lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

Oda a la libertad

Oda a la libertad 

Sólo es digno de libertad quien sabe conquistarla cada día.

Todo fanatismo me roba mi libertad,  procuro vivir por el camino del medio... todo comportamiento radical me priva de mi libertad prefiero la flexibilidad, todo extremismo trae en sí mismo la semilla de la equivocación . 

Atarme a algo, política, credo, religión, filosofía, tecnología sin la capacidad de poderme dirigir hacia caminos distintos me roba el exquisito placer de la aventura ... Las ataduras extremas asfixian la creatividad humana es necesaria la libertad para emprender nuevos rumbos, disfrutar nuevos retos y desafíos ... Me aburro de la rutina sin embargo la amo en muchos aspectos ... Pero con libertad ... 

Un valor que nos dejó mi Padre fue el amor por el trabajo el otro el amor por la libertad .

No me agrada que me dicten cómo debo hacer o dejar de hacer mi vida, me parece absurdo que cualquier ser humano pensante lo haga, siempre debemos conservar espacios en los cuales podamos disfrutar de plena libertad para ser lo que deseamos ser sin tener que darle explicaciones a nadie.

No es rebeldía a la autoridad es necesidad de SER uno mismo,  siempre y cuando no afectes la vida del prójimo más cercano,  es importante disfrutar de la libertad que da ser espontáneo creativo original ... Para ello ese artista que vive dentro de cada uno de nosotros necesita oxígeno para poder respirar ...

 Las mentes libre no podemos vivir enjaulados de ninguna forma o manera y no me refiero a la institucionalidad porque dentro de las instituciones podemos gozar de libertad me refiero al fanatismo y a los locos fanaticos

Cada persona debe vivir su vida en libertad con responsabilidad pero libre sin ataduras sino las que se imponga así mismo y dejar de ser esclavo porque así lo ha decidido ... Es importante que las instituciones sean flexibles amplias amigables equilibradas armónicas ... Estamos en la era de acuario, Piscis para afuera

Para afuera los dictadores inflexibles autocráticos, las rigideces mentales ortodoxas necesitamos revolución y transformación de la consciencia humana para ello es necesario deshacernos del pasado: el presente es el regalo

María Tirone

Death Grand Master for Life

Not enough to think about death, but must always stay ahead. Then life becomes more solemn, more important, more fruitful and joyful.
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) Austrian writer.

As a well-spent day produces a sweet sleep, so a well used a sweet cause death life.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) painter, sculptor and Italian inventor.

Pondering think I like it need to live our lives consciously and there is no better and more thought that thinking about death

The great saints advise us to live dying every day as well as all those who have already known the other side we cease to fear death the only constant is impermanent and change is the only constant suffering and death save us from getting high shadow above its inevitability

Death is sticking out gradually so as not to scare us but always afraid to think of that great teacher of life as I have called death the great teacher for life, I say, just in case they say saints and Hindu Buddhist logically in the impermanence of all we understand the omnipresence of death

We do not want to think about it but she is omnipresent is stupid not to
Sooner or later death makes us the visit and knocks at our door and becomes the great teacher for life

We have to think about death is grim but it is not ... It is wisdom because everything is impermanent absolutely everything except one thing ... Love

Love is the only thing that saves us not life but death

Only if we are loved we have lived, only if we have loved there is death, love is the only thing that saves us from the ubiquitous great death teacher to live life, if you have not loved has not lived and are dead even when you think being alive

Only Jesus "the Christ" conquered death and won for our sakes ... I think we should deepen this aspect of life: death that is omnipresent in every second of our ephemeral existence by this parenthesis of eternity we leaving a trail of ourselves every second of life is a second non-existence are also the two sides of the same coin inhalation arrived to life and one last we go but it happens time to time in every breath but if you we make to ourselves eternizamos

All we have are the eternal present moments that die every second nano so intensely lives, passionate loves and sincerely life is too short to waste unconsciously in this body and this mind live only this time we must make this moment a work art and the only work of art that is worth sculpt, paint, create or design is an interwoven life and full of love for others, for yourself and the Great Creator of all this finite existence for us, infinite for our eternal soul in constant transformation and evolution

Maria Tirone

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Obtén GRATIS mi best seller "Prosperidad: Vivir en la abundancia, tu camino hacia la autorrealización personal

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